
Much much better..

Today was so much better..could be not getting enough sleep is one factor..and I have tried to go down to his level more with eye contact and hands on approach.  And even warning him as well..(know what behaviour he will display beforehand)..then I tried 1,2,3 Magic as well.  It seems to be more calmer today.  Even during Speech session..he was a little cheeky but this is his way of saying..I'm bored.  Let do something else..
We went to Story Time at Cloverdale library..it was bit distracting because I think we pick the wrong class! It was mainly for toddlers..but language wise..its more simple, repetitions, actions.  Cory seems to enjoy that..but I often had to remind him to keep watching the librarian not the toddlers running around.   I am thinking of trying the another one at 10am (preschool level..) and see.  
I am doing more of choices..so that way he have bit of empower.  Yet, I keep forgetting to do that...what's wrong with me?!?!?  We are so busy that we forget to stop and smell the flowers at times.  Especially with toddlers and preschoolers, they really need a moment to gather thoughts and process things..they do it differently that we do.   Today, I ask Cory what do you want for lunch?  colored pasta or salmon pasta..he picks the salmon one..(which I was very surprised..to be honest) and if I pick that..he would be saying nooo and we would be fighting "eat this" battles..
I had to chuckle..in the corner of my eye, while he was eating the salmon pasta..he was signing.."I don't like this..eww gross."  He thought I wasn't looking.   Then when I was..I asked "don't like it?"  he said "like it like it..mmm" with a fake phony smile.   Little bugger!     I don't know what is his game there.    You got me...
I have been really firm with him this morning about screaming today.  I looked right at his eyes and said..today I want you not to scream at me or if you do, you will get time outs.  do you understand?  He said "yes, understand, no screaming".   That kind of warnings help him to put things in perceptive.  So far, only two screamings..not bad.  Things are looking up now.   I thank you for friends to give me some encouragement words and advices through private emails. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that Cory is doing so much better now. That's just wonderful news! Keep on blogging!
