It's official. He is now swimming like a little fish in the big pond (pool)..unfortunately, it's almost at the end of the summer. Oh well..I look forward to NEXT summer, NOT having to go in the pool with him all the times now. (doing the happy dances...) I don't care much for swimming..unless its on a HOT day..just a quick dip or two. I had to laugh..at the beginning of the summer. We made a mistake of letting him wear his swim suit with floater inside..for safety reasons. You know how busy he is and get into mischief? so after swimming lessons in Spring, he was starting to swim and back and forth. Then two weeks later, we start our summer at BBay and been to the pool daily. Because he can't really hear me without his CI, so I can't run fast enough to catch him in case, he jumps in big pool. He is quite stubborn that way. so I realized that one day after a week and half of pool time, we decided to take off the floater and let him practice with us in pool. He sank like a ship! oy oy..and we thought oh boy..we need to practice bit. He would be screaming and crying..so we put him on the edge for timeout. He was so stubborn. He doesn't want to practice his skills as taught from his swim class..I thought no way. we came that far, we need to continue. You know how Cory knows how to be a "drama" queen especially when there's an "audience"? he would screamed and cried on top of his lungs. Yes, we were embarrassed by that but he was placed in time out until he is ready to try again. I told him just practice three things for 15 minutes then you can go play. NOPE he doesn't want to! it is quite cute to see him sitting there with eye crossed and arms crossed and glared at us. So we just ignored him and swim away for bit..then after 5 minutes of TO, we try again. He would screamed again. TO again! I thought wow..that kid is really testing us. We did told him BEFORE going swimming that he has to practice bit, even we asked CA to do the same so she did her "part". It didn't take her long to finish. so again, 5 minutes, same thing, over and over. TO, try again, he said no don't want to. Then I told him when you're ready..let me know. He sat there glaring at me. Its almost like I want to give up but Sean said don't give in..he is so good at that. 30 minutes..it was time to go. oh well. Swimming is over. Then of course, Cory wants to practice and try again. it was too late. The pool closed for adults only. Of course, he got upset and I said well..you were being stubborn. You want to swim, then you have to practice. The "floater" is forever banned now. Then the next day..it was much better, he accepted it but was pretty much useless unlike he did at the swim class. wow..so we did it everyday..before go "play" we practice for 15 minutes top. His confidence really builds up then, shortly then he was pretty much jumping off the edge like crazy. (he was scared before) and then just last week of August. He just literally started going from his own now. He jumped off and swim back to edge. He swam to the bottom and touch it or retrieved a toy. He goes from me to Sean or pretty much just on his own. One lady from BBay is pretty impressed, she said she remembered him in July , screaming and crying with swimming and now look at him.

One thing that made the difference is the new goggle that I got from Costco..it really helps as well. We didn't have it until mid August.
I love the new swim cap he have now...I have to take a photo of it. IT is SO MUCH BETTER than Swim cap (rubbery kind?) It keeps the CI in place..I'm not saying that we use it in the pool.
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