I can't tell you what we did..too much to mention!! In a nutshell, we spent most of our summer at Birch Bay!! Cory made some friends and he has been pretty much on his own but yes..he is still up to mischief. but that's normal, all boys do. The highlights are using his speech more and talking, but he still talk in "ASL" sentences. LOL. I am a poor example for him because I don't use "a" "the" "is" etc while signing. It is hard to sign and talk EXACT English at the same time. OY! But I decided to leave that for others, it's not gonna be me. Cory and I have a mutual agreement with that anyway! My parents has been working with him and using their voices. They figured out real quick that he understands more than most people think..(I already knew that..he is a smart cookie that way!!) He would pretend that he didn't get it. But when being told at first, he ignored us...then I just started to count 1, 2, ..and he took off running and do what he is suppose to do. My parents were pretty impressed! They have been trying to encouraging me to get CI too, I knew that day will come. How could you NOT be impress with this "result" ? I had to explain all the Pros and Cons, and seriously, I would love to get one without ANY of these complications!! It's not an easy decision nor an easy thing to do! I have to admit..I am curious about it. I know I won't meet the criticias of getting one...unless my hearing's decreased and hearing aids eventually doesn't work for me anymore. THEN I will get one.
Moving on..
Summer at Birch Bay, Cory was more involved in events that we were able to have him to try out, Sports Day, Kids' Day at the Pool, Discovery Day Parade, Fireworks (USA birthday) etc...
He has moved on to the BIGGER bike now..and has been doing few "tricks" which I can't watch!! He is a daredevil and has NO fear! oy. I love that little ramp, we found in the dumpster for bike or skateboard, Sean said to me..if Cory get seriously hurt, he will be very upset. Naturally, we put it on the grass, and told him to use his little bike for that. First time, he just went over, very s l o w l y. Noooo, that's not the way to do it. Told him that he has to go faster and jump over it...so he took a long way back and start pedalling down. Then closer, closer and hahahahaha!!! He went right around it! we had a good laugh with that one.
Few weeks ago..it has been constantly on the run with him, he wants to go to the park, then bike rides, then play in field, play soccer, play ball, etc. I get tired and do want to take a break. There was this book from library and it was due in two days. I had to finish it. Cory wants to play basketball at the park. I'm like groannnnnnnnnn..look I'm gonna stay here and read this book. He said ok..you stay mom. I'll go and come back in 15 minutes. Sure, why not? it's not far. 5 mins walk just around the bend. My mom came by..looked around "where is Cory?" I was still reading and replied "at the park". My mom gave me a puzzled look and left. Sean came back from biking. "where is Cory?" I said the same thing. Sean was like ???? Cory said he will be back in 15 minutes..it has been 10 minutes. Sean gave me this "look"... I continued reading...
Sean said ok..I'll wait about 5 minutes then I'll check on him. But sure enough, he came back..15 minutes on dot! I just burst laughing...holy cow!! He is a smart one...
I found out later, as we were walking around the park. Several people have been telling us that they noticed that Cory was on his "own" and they were wondering where I was and kept an "eye" on him...I'm sure my face was bright red! But were impressed that he was fine on his own and came back home shortly after. They weren't sure if he was lost or something.
More to tell later...
Got to run. Happy September!!! Glad to be home..it was bittersweet!