
what a difference it makes!!!

Yesterday, Cory was at a birthday party..and it was his deaf friend's birthday.   So there are many many kids that have hearing loss, mixed with signs and verbal language.   He came home, was full of "language".  Recalling several things from the birthday party, telling me or talking to himself.  It was amazing to see how explosive his language has become after an experience. 
I would like to do more hands on experiences with him, its a good language opportunity. 
In the past week, for some reasons, it was slow.  I find that I spent more time with him.  We have been doing little bit of cooking, playing games, puzzles, practicing writing his name and thank god for mild weather we have, we played outside. 
This week, there is no preschool..ugh.  It will be tough.  Last night, before light outs, Cory said "tomorrow preschool?"  I told him that it is closed for the week.  I probably should do the calender system with him..I have been trying to find one that with blank days and bigger enough for me to draw each day.  No luck, maybe I should go to Staples.  (knowing it will be pricy and too big). 
I will post more about this calendar later.  This is one of the biggest helpful tool for me, my mom used it for me.  I think I have it somewhere in the basement among my old home books too! 

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