
I found this BLOG...I thought its really good.

Just wanted to share this for all families that have child(ren) with hearing loss.  There is this particular article that caught my eyes and I wish I read that last year when I was feeling low in late Spring.   I really want to share this with all families..so you're NOT alone!


Bookmark this! this is probably the most interesting site I ever read..
Please take this moment to read it..from a parent to another parent.

Opps..I spoke too soon!   When I shared this with Family Support Worker, she liked it at the first glance but after reading a few more..(I didn't have a chance to read the whole blog) and told me that NOT once it mentioned Sign Language!!!!  I was shocked!  It seems to be really good but I overlooked that this writer doesn't support sign language.  Needless, I was disappointed so I emailed her and shared my disappointment and was wondering why Sign Language wasn't mentioned in her blog. (among with my experiences and strong foundation of providing language overall..etc etc..blah blah..you know)

She emailed me back and was appreciated it.  She wrote another article for me that morning and told me to read it.   http://www.hearingfamilies.com/2010/10/imagine-speaking-greek-why-i-dont-think-sign-language-helps-children-with-hearing-loss/

I was astonished...

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