
BC Children's Hospital..appointment, appointment..

You know the saying "You never stop learning as you go???"  That is the case for me today..we had several appointments at the BCCH today for Cochlear Implant thingy..  here I am this morning, thinking..why do we have to go?  Just get it done already!!!! (for second one)..They wanted to meet with Sean and I, to go over the process, to meet with social worker, meet with clinicial (nurse?) and so on.  It's almost like if Cory didn't have the first one, so its a process all new families go through before CI.  In our case, it's new to us because of the adoption, so "technically" we didn't go through the first process.     I have done so much reading, learning, talking to other parents, and felt that maybe it's bit of waste of our time.   However, it wasn't!  First foremore, I'm little embarrassed to admit this, Sean is completely clueless with all that.   I thought he was onboard with it and I did gave him stuff to read and did tell him things now and then.  But he's a man..duh, what am I thinking?????  No wonder, moms hold the belt in the house these days!  giggle..   I was sitting there thinking..duh to myself..I should have made more efforts in getting Sean involved and make sure that he has read information. I'll sit on him if I have to!   But the up side is that it is better for Sean to hear all that from these professionals and getting those informations that he needs to know.   (yes, I did felt little embarrassed for not sharing stuff like that with him)   We gotten the answers that we needed to know, felt better with some questions we had and walked out more determined than before.   So it wasn't a waste of time..
One thing I learned is that, I'm getting the STRAIGHT facts from them than I hear several different things from other peoples around the community.  It's kinda of scary in sense that everyone say one thing, and other say different things.   It's ok to hear their opinions, and their thoughts BUT if you want the straight facts.  Talk to the PROFESSIONALS that are right "hand-ons" with it.  
Two more appointments to go..because unfortunately ENT Dr. wasn't in today and then there is a team meeting follow up for decision to make whether Cory is a candiate for second one or not.   Then if he is, we have to give our answer.  So of course, it's a waiting game ...

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